6 Time-Saving Social Media Tips for Small Business Owners

For small business owners especially, time is the most valuable finite resource. Try as we might, there is just no way to add more hours to our days.

One of the biggest time suckers (that many business owners love to hate) is social media. And there’s just no way around it (sorry folks!). At this point, social media is pretty much a non-negotiable part of being a brand, even if it’s used for the sole purpose of building credibility and awareness.

No matter what your goals are on social media, a strong presence on the channels your ideal clients or customers frequent is key. We know the struggle is real when it comes to balancing all the areas of your business. If you’re feeling pulled in too many directions, these six time-saving social media tips may be your saving grace.

“Social media is pretty much a non-negotiable part of being a brand, even if it’s used for the sole purpose of building credibility and awareness.”

1- Create a Content Calendar


It’s time you stopped stressing out about creating social media posts on the fly. Start by picking three or four content focuses (pillars), so you always have a strategic theme to post about. Lay out your social media posts for the week (at minimum) or preferably the entire month if you can.

2- Batch Film Reels and Stories


When you’re in a filming mood, don’t just film one reel or a few story frames. Take advantage of that spirit! Get some outfit changes ready, and film as many as you can. With all the hype around video and reels, it’s essential to start making them a regular part of your social media feed.⁠

3- Save Related Hashtags


This is one of the best social media tips if you’re looking to save time! Research the most relevant hashtags for your business and content pillars upfront. Create buckets of related hashtags and then use a tool like Excel, AirTable, or the Hishhash App to organize and automatically shuffle them every time you need to plug them in. ⁠

4- Schedule Posts


Stop wasting time manually building and sharing your posts in the moment! Scheduling your posts in advance will not only save you time, but also guarantee your posting schedule stays consistent. While you’ll still want to engage in real-time to be effective, at least you know well-planned content will always be there. There are so many platforms out there to help you with this. Some of our personal favorites are Later, Planoly, and HootSuite! ⁠

5- Repurpose Content Across Channels


Leverage your insights and repurpose your best performing posts in a refreshed way across your channels. You don’t always need to reinvent the wheel. ⁠

6- Outsource to an Expert


When all else fails, and you know your valuable time is better spent on growing other aspects of your business – OUTSOURCE your social media to an expert. ⁠You don’t have to do it all! In fact, the most efficient small business owners happily turn over the most time-consuming tasks. This frees up their time and creative energy to focus on scaling, expanding, and increasing their revenues.

At The Written World, we offer a variety of social media management packages to meet the needs of every small business. Whether you’re looking for a DIY (do-it-yourself) solution that provides you with a sound strategy or a DFY (done-for-you) package that knocks it off your to-do list entirely, we will give you a significant amount of that valuable time back. You can thank us later for the new opportunities you’ll have to focus on the areas of your business you love most!


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