How Do Blogs Help With SEO? 

You’ve probably seen the term search engine optimization (SEO) quite a few times when planning your marketing strategy for your small business. By using SEO keywords on your website and through SEO blogging, you’re setting yourself up for success when someone uses a search engine like Google. By searching specific keywords, if your website or blog comes up, this will lead to more visibility and traffic to your website for your product or services. 

Think of SEO keywords as your trusty sidekicks that are working to recruit others to your site. There are only so many keywords you can include in your website copy (here’s how a copywriter can help optimize your site!), so that’s where your blog superheroes come to save the day! Using blogs with SEO keywords is incredibly effective for marketing your brand. More readers on your blogs equal more potential leads for your business.  

You might have a few questions about SEO blogging like: 

  • What are SEO blogs? 
  • How do blogs help with SEO? 
  • How often should you blog for SEO? 

Never fear! The Written World is here to answer ALL of these questions for you ahead! Together we’ll help you learn how to rank organically on search engines through SEO blogging, one blog post at a time.  

how do blogs help with SEO?

What Are SEO Blogs? 

SEO blogs are articles posted on your website that cover topics related to your product or service using SEO keywords throughout the copy. These keywords are used when searching on online search engines to find relevant content for what the user is looking for. SEO blogs increase the number of keywords on your website, leading to more visibility for search engines.  

When creating a blog for SEO purposes, here are some tips to drive the best results: 

Use Keywords Throughout the Blog Post 

This means naturally incorporating keyword variations throughout your blog in the titles, headings, bulleted lists, and body copy. Try to place the highest search volume keyword in the opening line, headings, and conclusion. Use the highest search volume keyword at least 3-4 times and the next highest 2-3 times. The rest of your keywords can be used 1-2 times. 

Once you’ve added your SEO keywords within the blog copy, next, you can start adding keywords into the behind-the-scenes spots. These include adding keywords into the image alt text, meta description, and blog URL. If you aren’t familiar with these terms, we’ll break them down for you! 

  • Image Alt Text: the text that appears in place of an image if it doesn’t load, it’s also used for vision-impaired users and search engine results 
  • Meta Description: the preview text of up to 160 characters that summarizes what a page’s content is when you’re viewing search engine results 
  • Blog URL: the web address that directs users to find your page through a direct link or on search engine results  

Make sure to include 1-2 long-tail keywords that are more specific throughout your blog copy in addition to the high-volume search keywords. These keywords are longer and often question-based to focus your post on your audience. Visitors who have found your blog post through long-tail keywords are more likely to read the whole post, which can lead to potential conversions! 

Make Your Blog as User-Friendly as Possible 

Your blog will serve as the resident expert on your specific product or service-related content (here are some blog post ideas to get those creative juices flowing!) It will answer questions for your audience, promote your brand and bring organic traffic to your site through SEO keywords.  

It’s essential to follow these tips to keep your blog up to date with accurate information and fully optimized for the best SEO results: 

  • Link back to your related blog posts  
  • Organize blogs by easy-to-find topic categories 
  • Continue to update your existing content 
  • Publish evergreen content that you can repurpose 
  • Optimize your blogs for reading on mobile devices 

How Do Blogs Help With SEO? 

Blogs help with SEO by improving your website’s important ranking factors for search engines. You don’t want your content lost on search engine results—the goal is to appear on the first page of results through SEO! A regularly updated blog with high-quality, relevant content makes a massive difference in your website’s visibility.  

So how exactly does SEO blogging help your business website? 

  • New blog posts signal to search engines that your website is current, giving their algorithms more reason to index your website and keep it on the radar. 
  • Having long-form blogs means users are more likely to spend more time on your page, which means a higher “dwell time” as a higher-ranking factor. 
  • Blogs allow you to incorporate long-tail keywords for more specific keywords that people are searching for that are relevant to your business. 
  • Internal links boost SEO, and blogs give you more opportunities to do so beyond your website, strengthening your target keywords with the search algorithm. 
  • Having a blog with quality content boosts your chances of earning external links (aka backlinks) when other sites link back to yours with valuable SEO ranking.  

Overall, blogs help with SEO through these methods, along with connecting with yoweur audience. Being able to speak directly to your potential leads by providing valuable blog content, the more likely your audience will share your blog posts with others and promote repeat visitors.  

How Often Should You Blog for SEO? 

How often you should blog for SEO depends on the resources you have available for your marketing strategy. If you’re just starting out, working solo, or part of a small team, shoot for posting once per week. When it comes to Google searches, quality wins over quantity. If you have the resources, the more you can post, the merrier. No matter which posting quality content consistently will help drive organic traffic and brand awareness. Our monthly blog writing packages come in 2, 4, and 8 blog posts per month for convenience and conversion. 

Want to add SEO blogging to your marketing strategy? Finding the time to blog regularly as a small business owner can be challenging. And if writing is not your forte, it’s even more frustrating. 

That’s where we come in! The Written World is here to supercharge your SEO with our blog writing services for quality posts that drive results. Let us know how we can help, and get in touch to save your content! 

image for blog post


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