You see those three letters, S-E-O, everywhere when anything about marketing your business online comes up. This isn’t just some buzzword that bloggers like to talk about to sound tech-savvy. SEO keywords help bring your target audience straight to your website. But what’s the best way to utilize these SEO keywords? It’s all about the blog!
SEO and blogging go hand in hand when we talk about adding searchable keywords to boost your organic website traffic. There’s a reason why almost every business is prioritizing SEO blogging for their digital marketing strategy. It’s because SEO blogging is effective!
Do blogs help with SEO? The short answer is a resounding YES. Nearly 80% of surveyed bloggers reported that their blog delivers “some results” or “strong results.” We can thank SEO in blogging for those results!
We see your SOS sign for SEO help, and we’re on it! Let’s dive right into the basics of SEO and cover everything you need to know about SEO for blogging.
What is SEO?

If you’re unfamiliar with the term, SEO is short for search engine optimization. By using SEO keywords, you’re working to improve the visibility of your website on search engine results (such as on Google, Bing, or Yahoo.) The main goal is to increase organic traffic to your website with SEO-friendly content.
When you use SEO keywords, you’re creating relevant and high-quality content for the person searching for these terms. When they click on your website, you want to provide the best possible user experience to ensure they stick around. Ultimately, you hope they might stay long enough to potentially purchase the product or service you offer through the purpose-driven copy to get them there.
What about SEO and blogging? Learn why SEO in blogging is essential to your marketing strategy ahead.
Why is SEO in Blogging Important?
If you want to start seeing an impact with SEO and your content, SEO blogging is the way to go! When you put SEO into practice, this involves keyword research, technical optimization, link building, and content creation. All of these components work together when it comes to utilizing SEO in blogging.
To go back to the question, do blogs help with SEO?
Here are a few ways SEO for blogging helps your business thrive:
Increases Organic Search Traffic
This is the main reason why SEO blogging is so effective! There are no paid ads involved with an organic search. Your website shows up at the top of the results because of the relevant SEO keywords you incorporated into your blog. Each time you publish a new blog, that gives a new opportunity to use keywords and rank in searches.
Builds Your Brand’s Credibility
Having a blog on your website allows you to entertain and inform your audience with relevant posts in your industry. Share your thoughts and insights with your target audience—the more you do so, the more website traffic you’ll get with repeat visitors. When this happens, Google will raise your authority level in their algorithm, which is something you can achieve with quality blog content!
Creates Fresh Content on Your Website
How often are you realistically updating your actual website copy? Not too often, right? There’s not much that usually needs to be changed on your home, about, products, or services pages. When you have a blog, every time you publish a post, that’s new content associated with your website. Search engines value updated and relevant content— SEO blogging does just that!
Provides the Ability to Backlink
Backlinking simply means another website or blog is linking back to your blog posts, which brings more traffic to your website! Writing quality content allows you to have the opportunity to link to other blogs and have them do the same for you. Guest blogging and creating relationships with other websites and blogs help yours to grow.
Now that we’ve got the basics of SEO blogging down keep reading for the ins and outs of SEO for blogging and how to incorporate it into your own blog.
How to “SEO” a Blog
Simply writing a quality blog post isn’t enough. You need to craft your blog in a way that visitors from search engines will actually find your blog AND find value in it. It’s the winning combination of SEO blogging, keyword research, and quality content.
Use these SEO blogging tips to incorporate SEO into your blog posts:
Do Your Keyword Research
The first step is using keyword research tools to find new topic ideas to write about based on what’s ranking. These keywords should be centered around your target audience’s most important questions or concerns. SEO blogging keywords help shape your blog post content and attract the types of visitors that will be relevant to your brand. Use a mix of higher-ranking keywords and lower ones to give a good mix of results.
Use The Keywords Strategically
Once you have your list of keywords, use them to form your blog title, in the text headings, throughout the body, and in the URL. Think about any images in your post and add alt text information for each of them to incorporate your keywords. You’ll also want to include keywords in your meta title and description, which shows up on the search result pages—a crucial part of this process since this is the first thing your audience will see.
Add Links to Your Related Blog Posts
On a similar thread as backlinking, linking to and from your own blog posts also makes an impact on how your blog ranks on search engines. Inbound links to your content and linking internally to other pages on your website help boost the validity and relevancy of your blog posts. Look back at your previous posts and see where you can link back to in your new blog posts—this also helps keep visitors on your website for longer!
No time in your busy schedule for SEO blogging? Our blogging experts at The Written World will help you showcase your expertise and build authority with engaging SEO-optimized blog posts. Let us be your blog-writing heroes!